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Saqqaa 5 Containerit 5 Mobile Custom-Built Container for Milking Robots

Mobile Custom-Built Container for Milking Robots

For a customer in Norway, DC-Supply A/S has constructed a mobile custom-built container designed for a milking robot. This innovative solution allows Norwegian farmers to transport the milking robot directly to the pasture, enabling modern milking facilities even when cattle are grazing outdoors.

Custom-Built Container for Modern Cattle Farming

Starting with a standard 20-ft container, DC-Supply A/S has custom-built the solution in-house to meet the customer’s specific requirements. This includes insulation, interior panel cladding, floor piping, electrical installations, a non-slip aluminium floor plate, and a washbasin with a tap. Upon delivery, the milking container is fully prepared for the assembly and commissioning of the customer’s system.

During the summer months, the container operates in the pasture, and at the end of the season, it is transported back to the cow barn by truck. This dual-purpose functionality ensures efficient use of the milking robot throughout the year, optimising the farmer’s time and enhancing animal welfare.

The container was shipped from Denmark on a Friday and was operational at the customer’s site in Norway by the following Monday. Thanks to our strategic location in Nørresundby near Aalborg, we can efficiently deliver both standard and customised container solutions to locations worldwide.

Combining Animal Welfare, CO2 Savings, and Economic Efficiency

In recent years, cattle farming in many European countries has transitioned to indoor operations. In Norway, this shift has left large areas of land underutilised. To address this, Norwegian farmers can receive financial subsidies by allowing their cattle to graze outdoors for three months during the summer.

Allowing cattle to graze naturally has multiple benefits. Pasture areas, often unsuitable for mechanical mowing, are grazed effectively, and the animals thrive in their natural environment. This improves animal well-being, leading to increased and higher-quality milk production. Additionally, costs associated with feed production and transportation are reduced as cows forage for their own food during the summer.

Farmers also achieve significant CO2 savings by minimising transport needs and eliminating the need to collect and spread manure during this period. The mobile container solution, in conjunction with a modern milking robot, further reduces stress levels for the animals by bringing the milking station directly to them. (A similar approach has been applied to mobile salmon slaughterhouses produced by DC-Supply A/S for customers in the Faroe Islands. These mobile units are transported to the catch site, allowing processing to begin immediately). In many parts of Norway, pre-existing farm infrastructure, such as electricity and water supply, facilitates seamless integration of the mobile container system.

Flexible Solutions for Agriculture and Fishing

DC-Supply A/S has extensive expertise in designing and constructing custom-built containers for industry and production, including agriculture and fishing. Custom solutions can address unique requirements quickly and cost-effectively. For mobile applications, such as the milking container, tailored designs offer particular advantages. These containers can be precisely adapted to specific machinery and processes, ensuring optimal functionality where animal welfare and food quality are critical.

If you operate an agricultural or cattle farm, fishery, or other food production business locally, nationally, or internationally, DC-Supply A/S is ready to provide expert advice and tailored solutions. Our experienced team in sales, administration, our technical department, and in-house production is on hand to assist you. Contact us today to learn more about the many options with custom-built containers.

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+45 70 23 13 80


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